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Compared to her other books, this is quite a thin book.
But in true Cornwell fashion it keeps you engaged, from start to finish.

A Massachusetts state investigator is aclled home from the National Forsensic Academy in Tennessee. His boss, an attractive but hard-charging woman, is running for governor, and as a showcase plans to use a new crime initiative called At Risk - motto: 'Any crime, any time.' She's looking for a way to employ cutting - edge DNA technology, and thinks she's found it in a twenty-year-old murder - in Tennessee. If her officer solves the case, they'll look pretty good, right?

Her investigator is not so sure, but before he can open his mouth a shoking piece of violence intervenes, an act that shakes up not only their lives but the lives of everyone around them.....

I really enjoyed this book, and as a stand alone novel it is good, but a little complex. If Cornwell is starting a new character, it's a brilliant introduction, as she gives the main character some good connections that could prove interesting in future books.

[Type in green, blurb from back of book.]


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