This book is an Anita Blake Vampire Hunter novel by the author. It looks like there at least 18 books in the Anita Blake series. Although I did enjoy reading this one I don't think I'll be hunting out any more.
It is a quick read, for two reasons. The novel is only 171 pages long and the reading level is not challenging. Saying that it is a fairly absorbing reading, and I read it over a day.
For those, like me, who haven't read any others of the series, Anita Blake has certain "abilities". It is one of these abilities that the book is based around. She is asked by two people to bring their dead loved ones back to life. She does not think either if their reasons for wanting the act to be done worthy and refuses. She ends up getting kidnapped by some heavies in order for them to coerce her into bring one of the people back to life. At one point it looks like things can only go from bad to worse, but she eventually gets the upper hand, and all is well in Anita Blake's world once more.
I have just done a quick search of the net. It seems that Laurell K Hamilton is primarily a "teen" writer, and looks to have written a mini mountain of books. You can find her website here.