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This book can be forgiven for looking like the fluffy sort of book that is packed for holidays. It is despite it's fluffy appearance a very well thought out novel with some good twists to it. The "Missing" person, is included briefly at the start of the novel, then she goes "missing" until about half way through. It is narrated by an omniscient narrator, which works very well, as there are many people affected by the disappearance of Jacqueline Avery.
It did not however answer, or attempt to answer one of the plotlines, but I think that was deliberate. The cover of my copy is a little misleading, as it shows a toddler , beside an old fashioned swing slung from a tree. It is quite a while before the significance of the toddler is revealed. The publisher classes this novel as fiction, which it is, but it is also a mystery. An engrossing read.
Susan Lewis has written quite a few books, for a read of the cover bumph from Missing, click here, click on home when you get there if you wish to find out more about the author and her books.


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