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I've had this book sitting on my bookshelf for sometime. When I bought it I was studying, and it got put on one side and text books read instead. Then I plain forgot it was there.
Anyway, I was looking for a more literary book to read, something to get my teeth into, and remembered this one, thought it was time I read it.
The story is based around the life story of Cal/Calliope Stephanides, and the circumstances which brought about her existence.
For those who like a straightforward narrative this book might be confusing, however, the narrator is very clear which tale they are telling, and they are told in the way they are, as the narrative needs to be woven together.
For a long book, the story never loses pace, and keeps the reader engaged. Towards the end the pace starts to quicken, especially during Cal's "running away", and although the story is complete in the book, there could be further descriptions of Cal's life after they accepted what they are, and found someone who felt the same way. (Sorry for being vague, but I don't want to spoil the book for anyone.) gives a link to the publisher's website, and some information about the book. author information.,6000,805334,00.html I think says everything there is to say about the book.
Towards the end it could be classed as a coming of age novel, but leading up to that point it has the flavour of a family saga.

The first link has the "bumph", so I won't rewrite it.
I found this a compelling book to read, and very easy to read. I hope his other Book is just as easy to read.


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