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II found an excerpt of this novel a website. I enjoyed what I read, so decided to buy the novel. I had to order it, as it wasn't in stock.
I'm going to say before I go any further that this novel has been translated from French, but I didn't realise this until I was over a 100 pages into it. (I find some translated novels difficult to read, but not this one.)
It's classed as a thriller, and has short chapters, each letting the reader learn an important piece of information. I think if I re-read the novel I might pick up on the clues I am sure are there.
But they are well hidden in this book, and when the murderer was eventually caught I was more than a little surprised.
Commisairre Adamsberg appears to be haphazard in his detecting methods, and it is more than halfway through the book before he takes the case on. However, he has been following it with interest from the start of the novel, and avoiding getting himself shot by another criminal.
I found the novel very addictive, and again, it was another novel I couldn't put down, which is a tribute to both Fred Vargas' writing and the translation by David Bellos.
Vargas' characters are quirky, and endearing, one of the gendarmes has a very strange way of talking, adding "how should I say" to the end of each statement he makes.

Blurb time!

In this frightening and surprising novel, the eccentric wayward genius of Commissaire Adamsberg is pitted against the deep-rooted mysteries of one Alpine village's history, and a very ppresent problem: wolves.
Disturbing things have been happening up in the French mountains; more and more sheep are being found with their throats torn out. the evidence points to a wolf of unnatural size and strength. However, Suzanne Rosselin thinks it is the work of a werewolf. then Suzanne is found slaughtered in the same manner. Her friend Camille attempts, with Suzanne's son Soliman and her shepherd, watchee, to find out who, or what, is responsible and they call on Commissaire Adamsberg for help.
In all I found this novel even more interesting than I expected, and will try to track down other works of Fred Vargas

1 Comment:

  1. Blue said...
    Sounds like one to add to my ever growing list.

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